Not Bad For a One-Armed Fat Lady

Whenever I praise Bruce, he says, “It’s not too bad for a blind, one-armed, fat man.” It makes me laugh. It also came to mind for this post.  Read on to see why,

Getting to Cape Cod

After leaving Bar Harbor, we headed to Boston by way of Kennebunk and Kennebunkport. What a charming community.


Then we headed to Wells, got a motel room, and ate dinner at a local diner. It is amazing how luxurious it felt after a week in a tent!

The next morning, we ate at Omelet House in Ogunquit and drove along the coast before heading into Boston.



Try to imagine a pickup truck carrying two 16-foot kayaks on top, and a bicycle and tandem on the rear trying to find parking in Boston. Can you see it? We obviously didn’t think this through.

We finally found a spot for an hour and wandered around the swan boat park and Boston Commons. We now know that for the next trip, we will park and ride and spend the day walking the Freedom Trail.

Finally, we headed to Cape Cod and paid for 2 nights at Sippewissett Campground and a site right off the Shining Sea Bikeway.

Our Ride

The path was a little over 10 miles long with the campground at the halfway mark. we decided to head to Woods Hole and then ride up to North Falmouth and then back to camp.

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The map said flat roads. I assumed no hills. I was wrong. The flat path sloped down to the coast, which meant that the ride to Falmouth would be uphill. I fretted a bit after the loop fiasco.

Once we hit the sound, we went off the path for a few miles to enjoy some ocean views.


When it was time to turn around, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. We were back to the campground in no time.


We decided to stop at camp for 3 items:

  1. Tire pump, which we should never ride without
  2. Gaviscon for my heartburn
  3. Gunny’s treats

A quick drink of water, and we were ready to go.

I clipped in. Bruce clicked in his left foot. We pushed off. The front tire went off the path. The tandem fell to the left. Bruce and I went down.

I know better than to throw out my arm to stop the fall. I tucked my arms and tried to land on my back. I felt my head hit the pavement and was thankful for my helmet. My next memory is laying on my right side, cradling my arm. The ride was over.

First Aid

It took me a while to get up. I was stunned. Bruce had a few scrapes but was on his feet right away and fretting over hurting me. We got to the campsite and he got me ice and advil. I began to shake – gotta love shock.

We decided to wait to see how I felt after a rest, He lowered me onto the mattress and I fell asleep. When I woke, I figured a way out of my sports bra….your imagination will never do it justice. Then I hit the shower and invented a new dance in order to dry my back,

Swelling was minimal. I could open and close my hand. I decided it was a sprain, so we headed to dinner where we found $20 burgers and headed back to camp.

The night was cold – about 50. My arm hurt. Morning determined that we were heading to New Jersey where Bruce’s daughter Christi lives. She is a nurse practitioner, and we felt she would know what to do next.

X Rays

Christi was ambivalent. Minor swelling. Finger movement, Pain.

Xrays were the only sure way to know. so, we headed to Patient First.



After too much movement for xrays and manipulation into the splint, I took a Percocet and slept in the armchair. The next morning, Bruce was up early and getting me an appointment with an ortho. By 3pm, I learned…..


I had broken off the end of my radius and it was flipped upside down. Since this bone doesn’t heal well, I’ll be getting a prosthetic end and follow up PT. This happens at 9:45 tomorrow (Friday) morning.

I’m doing well/ I’m looking forward to riding again.

And, I typed this with one hand. Not bad for a one-armed, fat lady!


3 thoughts on “Not Bad For a One-Armed Fat Lady

  1. This is why I have given up bike riding. Broke my right shoulder twice, once off horse and just don’t want it to happen again, not with 2 dogs to care for. So sorry you’re young and should get right back at it. We’ve so enjoyed watching your adventure.


  2. Teri, your adventure sounds so amazing. So sorry it got cut short by this unfortunate accident, but I’m really glad you had on your helmet too!! Get well soon and keep that awesome sense of humor… the best medicine!


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